212TH EDITION, MAY26th, 2024

1ST LESSON: 1 Sam 25:23-35

2ND LESSON: 1 Thess. 3:1-13

It was the time of shearing sheep and David sent his men to Nabal (a very wealthy man) for some supplies But Nabal treated David’s men with contempt and addressed David as a servant who ran away from his master, even a “band of outlaws” On their report, David swore to destroy everyone in Nabal’s house A servant who witnessed the scene informed Abigail, Nabal’s wife, adding that David and his men had protected them and the herds of Nabal in the field Abigail immediately took supplies and met David on his way. She pleaded with David not to take revenge by himself “Don’t pay attention to that worthless man, Nabal. His name means Foolish and that is what he is.” Abigail begged for forgiveness and reassured David of a lasting dynasty over Israel according to God’s promises David took the supplies, blessed the name of God, and returned home Paul wrote in his letter the difficulty he experienced attempting to visit the Thessalonica church again and eventually had to send Timothy while he stayed back in Athens Timothy was sent to strengthen, and encourage them in their faith and to keep them from being shaken by the troubles they were going through Paul made it clear that troubles are to be expected in life as this Thessalonian converts are faced with hostility for their new faith Paul expressed further his joy and thanks when Timothy returned to him with the report that the church had remained strong in their faith and standing firm in the Lord Yet Paul still looks forward to meeting the church again to fill the gaps in their faith Paul also prayed that these spiritually transformed people would continue to mature in their love, for each other and everyone else And that God strengthen their hearts to be blameless and holy till Christ returns

