209TH EDITION, MAY5th, 2024

1ST LESSON: 2 Kings 7:1-20

2ND LESSON: Phil. 4:10-20

King Ben Hadad of Aram attacked Samaria and laid siege for a long time halting farming and trading and resulting in severe famine

The King summoned the prophet, Elisha, believing the troubles had come from the Lord

“Elisha said “Listen to the message from the Lord!

The Lord says, ‘About this time tomorrow, there will be plenty of food, and it will be cheap again’

An official of the King who was present said to Elisha it could not happen even if the Lord made windows in heaven

At night the Lord made the Arameans hear the mighty sound of an approaching army, so they fled their camp leaving behind their resources

Four lepers who had been at the city gate took a risk to visit the camp of the enemy that night and they discovered an empty camp with abundant food

They reported to the king, after taking enough for themselves, and Elisha’s prophesy was fulfilled

In the second lesson, Paul expressed his gratitude to the Philippian believers for showing much care for him

His appreciation was genuine and not because he needed something more

For him (Paul), he had learned to be satisfied with what he has and with whatever happens

He has learned the secret of how to live through any kind of situation

When he’s poor and when he has plenty when he has enough to eat, or hungry

Paul says he can do everything and can adapt to any situation, through Christ who gives him the strength

He appreciates the church for being the first who offer him financial help when he brought the Good News to them and recounts other occasions

Paul affirms their generous gift as a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to God

He also prayed to God to supply the needs of the church

